Sunday, December 16, 2007

The day of the snow storm

This first pic is from Saturday 15 Dec. 07
The snow topped my door, took three tries to get the door open. Started to shovel at 2pm. This was Sunday 16 Dec 07
My from lawn, people were out there shovelling the nice white stuff, YA RIGHT!!!!!
I just couldn't put the snow any higher, thank God thats over, my back is killing me. It's still snowing.
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Tonniece said...

Sure is PURDY if you don't have to go out in it. LOL
One good thing about having a bum leg is that I don't have to shovel.
I sure don't envy you this task because there really is ALOT of snow out there.

smarcoux said...

wow ... now that is some snow.
brrrr and cold I bet

smarcoux said...

wow ... now that is some snow.
brrrr and cold I bet

Dianne said...

Lucy Sandra...